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Medical Conferences - Psychiatry - 2nd Congress on Evidence Based Psychiatry
A. Koukopoulos - KMDRS: A new tool for an old syndrome
9968 Προβολές
L. De Chiara - KMDRS and the assessment of the postpartum depression
9204 Προβολές
H.J. Möller - What can we learn from a naturalistic long-term study on depression
7668 Προβολές
N. Stefanis - A view on the risk-benefit ration of short and long term antipsychotic medication
7150 Προβολές
K.N. Fountoulakis - The Debate on the usefulness of antipsychotics
9079 Προβολές
G. P. Chrousos - The biologic basis of stress and its management
9521 Προβολές
K. Rantis - Cannabis use disorder: In search of evidence-based treatment guidelines
7870 Προβολές
P. Panagiotidis - Alcohol use and abuse: From social stigma to evidence based psychiatric practice
6316 Προβολές
Ι. Grammatikopoulos - The psychiatric reform in primary care: The impact of Social Cooperative of...
3796 Προβολές
M. Dimopoulou - Management or social coherence is the best practice for evidence-based mental...
5823 Προβολές
M. Sotiriou - Social entrepreneurship and school meals. The case of Kavala, Greece Michael Sotiriou
6280 Προβολές
S. Koupidis - Evidence-based community interventions: Myth or reality?
6819 Προβολές
P. Fotiadis - The importance of functioning in major psychiatric disorders: Schizophrenia
6608 Προβολές
K. Rantis - The importance of functioning in major psychiatric disorders: Bipolar disorder
7829 Προβολές
Α. Ramnalis - The importance of functioning in major psychiatric disorders: Major depression
7090 Προβολές
P. Panagiotidis - The importance of functioning in major psychiatric disorders: Substance abuse
6848 Προβολές
D. Gorgoli - How technology affects the human brain: Neurobiological data from recent studies
8725 Προβολές
S. Karaoulanis - The beneficial effect of technology on psychiatric practice
6673 Προβολές
P. Malliaris - Technology and Psychiatry: Negative aspects of a flourishing relationship
6260 Προβολές
A. Oikonomou - Psychiatry and social media: Open discussion
9885 Προβολές
Pro and con of usefulness of antipsychotic treatment in Schizophrenia : Exchange of views - Full...
6746 Προβολές
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